You will soon (not yet) be invited to press the button [START MAKING YOUR SIMULATED CONVERSATION] that is waiting at the bottom of this page. But there are two simple tasks to do before making your FREE or PREMIUM conversation - PREPARE for the Conversation Option you select, and REGISTER to start making your conversation.
Skim through the website ( Look at the WHO USES OUR SERVICES page in the website to find what Category (or more) you might like best. Then go the the HOME page. Below each picture, use the LEARN MORE buttons to see the Topics that people in these Categories often like use.
A MUST DO - Later, when you start, your FIRST selection of a Topic to use in your conversation MUST be a topic that you could use to identify yourself. For example, you decided to use the first Topic in the "Family" Category, which is "Talk about how your parents met when, where, results." The comment you record MUST BE something like "My name is ______ and I would first like to tell you about my parents."
Soon, when you start selecting Topics, be careful of the number you finally use. You can create a long list of possibly useful Topics, but when you start recording comments about Topics, you are going to be limited to a pre-set number of Topics, based on the CONVERSATION OPTION that you chose to use. For example, if you are making a FREE conversation, you can have up to 5 Topics. If you recorded comments for more than 5, the computer will not accept your conversation. The same caution should be for using a PREMIUM conversation. If you make comments for more Topics than your limit of Topics, you can just Delete the extra ones. Now, you are almost ready to register to make your conversation. You will be using your laptop, with its camera.
If the conversation you create is free of technical problems, you will soon be sent your secure and unique cloud-access code (by cellphone text or call, or by letter). The people to whom you send this code can then enjoy your Simulated Conversation.
1. If you registered for a FREE conversation, your task is finished, and you can enjoy using your Simulated Conversation. Your access to the cloud for a FREE conversations lasts for 60 days.
2. If you registered for a PREMIUM conversation, when you get your access-code, you can enjoy using your Simulated Conversation. You will also be asked to send your name and credit card number, which is used to pay the monthly cloud storage fee. >
- That is a good topic. (or you could say) I like that topic.
- I have a better topic. Let me tell you about...
- I could talk about that forever.
- I cannot easily talk about that topic.
- Let me tell you about something else.
- You ought to call, so we can talk about this one.- That is a good topic. or I like that topic.
- I have a better topic. Let me tell you about...
- I could talk about that forever.
- I cannot easily talk about that topic.
- Let me tell you about something else.
- You ought to call, so we can talk about this one.
- While recording your comments, look at the cameras.
- You can select to use any Topic more than once.
- All computers at one Router can participate in contributing to the same conversation.
- Different computers at one Router cannot be used to make different conversations
When your friends come to this conversation, they will first see your list of Topics, they can select any Topic, they use VIEW button to see your video about that Topic, and they can work through them all. They can see the same one, over and over. Only friends with your secure cloud-access code can see your conversation. You decide who will be your designated friends.
- While recording your comments, look at the camera.
- You can select to use any Topic more than once.
- Have someone sitting next to you, off screen, to make suggestions (example, " Mom, talk about your garden last year." (viewers like this).
- For a vivid video (good for the viewers), have light colors behind you (light colored wood, light color on wall, outside "sunny" scene) and wear dark (not black, blue is best) cloths.
- Adjust your camera so you can see on the screen that the top of your head "touches" the top of the screen.
- Have your face about an arms-length from the laptop screen (so you look good).
- Talk louder than normal (so you sound good).
You must make an appointment to record your conversation (see APPOINTMENT on the top-of-page menu). Any conversations attempted without requesting and getting an agreed upon time interval (sent by email, usually for 2-3 hours) will not be recorded. In this email, you will also be sent the location where you can make your conversation.
If you see that someone else is making theirs during your appointment, please be understanding. Just request another time interval.
If this is your first conversation, you probably should print out this page.
Step 1. Before you can start, complete the APPOINTMENT page on the menu. Instructions will come back to you by email.
Step 2. Open the SIMULATED CONVERSATION ( website. On the menu, go to the GETTING STARTED page.
- A sign-in page appears called SimuConv
- For Enter, use your email address.
- For Password, use SimuConv
- Press on the Login button.
Step 4. Now you see a page titled MY SIMUCONV. Press on the down-arrow in the Category box, and a pulldown list of possible Categories appears. Select one, from the list of 7.
Step 5. Press on the down-arrow in the TOPIC box, and a pulldown list of 40 Topics appears. Select one and press the Add Topic button in the upper right conner. The Topic you added appears on the Topic list. Repeat Step 4 (pick any Category, then pick any Topic) until you create a list of good Topics. REMEMBER (the A MUST DO paragraph - see above), when you comment in your first topic, you first say your name.
Step 6. When you are ready to make recordings, find one you like from your list, and press Record Now in the View column.
Step 7. A black screen appears, with your "Topic Selected" written across the top (in case you forgot your Topic). Press Record Now, and you will see you on the screen. (Waiting for you to start talking). START TALKING NOW. On the top left is a timer, already counting up to 3:01 minutes (reminding you to finish at 3 minutes).
Step 8. At 3 minutes, your ability to record ends. Immediately, a replay of your 3-minute recording is shown. When it ends, press on Upload My Video.
Step 9. The list of your topics re-appears. Repeat Steps 4 through 7, until you made all your videos. When you made your last recording, you can use "Replace" to re-record any video, you can "Delete" any Topic, and you can close the website and come back later to make changes and/or more recordings.
To see what your designated viewers will see, press on the small camera symbols in the VIEW column. When over, press on "Close Media Player" to return to the Topic list. You can replace any videos (Step 9 above).
Step 10. FOR SECURITY: After you get an email telling you that your conversation arrived safely and is being stored safely, Delete all your Topics.
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